Support for Sustainable Private Forestry
Private Forestry Service Queensland (PFSQ) is an incorporated, ‘Not for Profit’ Association located in Gympie, Queensland’s largest and most diverse forestry region. We are recognised as an industry leader in private native forest management.
The PFSQ Team has been working for the past 20 years to improve the quality and viability of the private forest resource in Australia, and we continue to deliver sustainable forest management by:
- Undertaking activities that will contribute to the development, stability and prosperity of an ecologically sustainable regional forestry industry in Queensland with particular reference to private forestry;
- Establishing, developing and maintaining information channels, services and products which will meet the needs of the regional forestry industry;
- Influence legislative, planning and regulatory policy for the betterment of the regional forestry industry;
- Facilitating and participating in industry development and cohesion and the links with other industry sectors; and
- Through promotion, to encourage community, industry and government support for the regional economic, social and environmental benefits offered by forestry on private lands.

PFSQ’s forest management system is certified to the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (AS/NZS 4708:2021), an internationally endorsed standard that is managed under the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme. The Responsible Wood Certification Scheme is endorsed by the international Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
PFSQ combines life-long experience in the forest management industry with a team from forestry, environmental science, agribusiness backgrounds.
The PFSQ Team brings together a range of expertise in aspects of:
- native forest management
- forest management with integrated grazing specialties
- representation at regional, state and federal levels for forest policy
- workshops, seminars, conferences and landholder extension
- planning and assessment
- stand inventory and valuation
- forest research with universities, government, NRM & Landcare groups
PFSQ aims to deliver sustainable land management, maintaining a regionally diverse industry to support small businesses.
Private Forestry Service Queensland (PFSQ) covers a broad range of private forestry activities including the following:
- Forest management planning in context with state regulations
- Certification to the Australian Forestry Standard (AS/NZS 4708: 2021)
- Forest assessment and mapping
- Assessment and lodgement of Property Maps of Assessable Vegetation (PMAVs)
- Grazing & timber management
- Monitoring and review of forest management practices and their impact
Industry Development & Research
- Developing partner projects with industry to address natural resource management issues
- Developing partnerships with Indigenous groups
- Promoting available industry support services
- Collaborations in research projects with universities, industry bodies & landholders
Provision of Information
- Technical advice (based on currently accepted best management practices)
- Workshops, field days and other events
- Contributions to the Woodworks Museum and Interpretive Centre

Private Forestry Service Queensland
8 Fraser Rd, Gympie QLD 4570
Phone: (07) 5483 6535
Email: admin@pfsq.org.au
Open weekdays: 9am - 5pm
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